Construction Industry Federation warns of job losses and housing delays as a result of underinvestment in water infrastructure, as it launches its 2025 budget submission.

22 Aug 2024

Construction delegation will meet with Government on Tuesday 27th August 2024 to outline budgetary recommendations.

The Construction Industry Federation has warned of job losses and housing delays as a result of underinvestment in water infrastructure, as it launches its 2025 budget submission. The federation will meet with Government on Tuesday 27th August to discuss its recommendations ahead of Budget 2025, as it calls for a surge in capital investment for Uisce Éireann.

Hubert Fitzpatrick, Director General of the Construction Industry Federation said:

“The industry is deeply concerned with the projected levels of capital budget allocation to Uisce Éireann, which is not adequate to build water supply for urgently needed housing and undermines regional economic activity and job growth.

“While recognising our engagement with Uisce Éireann, ongoing uncertainty and the unexpected drop in water and wastewater funding is leading to a reduced volume of work.

“Construction companies are seeing projects cancelled, curtailed, or delayed across a swathe of Uisce Éireann investment programmes. This is leading to job losses and delaying homes being built, during a housing crisis.

“There is much focus on how the construction industry will ensure labour capacity to deliver housing. The biggest threat to our capacity is underinvestment and uncertainty around infrastructure budgets, not recruiting or housing workers. This uncertainty is having a detrimental effect on the ability of contractors to retain talent and plan resources.

“At least 50,000 housing units per annum will need to be constructed at a minimum. Yet home builders continue to report frustrating delays in connecting sites to water to activate development on zoned lands.

“In Budget 2025, there must be a greater allocation of ring-fenced capital and maintenance investment in Ireland’s water and wastewater infrastructure with guaranteed multi-annual budgets.

“Our cities and communities need billions of investment in infrastructure under the National Development Plan. We need a plan-led approach to infrastructure, ensuring critical utilities, such as water, are built in advance to support population growth.

“Capital allocations to water and wastewater are critical to deliver new housing. It is absolutely essential that utilities such as water and electricity, are planned for concurrently, as the industry cannot build houses at scale without infrastructure connections in place.”

The Construction Industry Federation’s pre-budget submission identifies recommendations on infrastructure and regional development, housing and planning, green and digital transition and cultivating people, skills and capacity.

A delegation from the federation will meet with Government on Tuesday 27th August at 3pm in the Department of Finance to discuss its Budget 2025 recommendations.

Read the Construction Industry Federation Budget 2025 Submission


For media queries contact:

Meabh Smith
CIF Communications Director

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