Construction industry digitalisation is key to achieving housing, infrastructure and climate change targets

04 Nov 2021

The CIF has welcomed the launch of the ‘Digital Build’ Project, focused on ensuring world class digital practices are adopted throughout the industry and supply chain, and the awarding of the Build Digital Project grant call from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, to TU Dublin/CitA. This marks another major step by the construction industry towards its vision of ‘sustainably building sustainable buildings’ over the next decade. This collaborative project between industry, Government and TU Dublin will now work tirelessly to diffuse digitalisation across the sector’s thousands of enterprises in the first instance.

Developing and enhancing the industry’s digitalized capacity will improve overall productivity. This will benefit the industry’s clients through more efficient construction, the Exchequer through better value for money for investment in housing and public infrastructure and put construction on a sustainable footing for the next 25 years.

The CIF will continue to work tirelessly with the Construction Sector Group’s Innovation and Digital Adoption Group, under the stewardship of PJ Rudden to continue to modernise Irish construction on all fronts.

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