Southern Region
to the Southern Region
The Southern Region of the CIF comprises four branches as follows:
- Cork branch (covering Cork City and county)
- Kerry branch
- Mid-west branch (covering Limerick, Clare and Tipperary)
- South-east branch (covering Waterford and south Wexford)
These four branches are serviced from our Southern Region Office based in Little Island, Cork. Conor O’Connell, Director of Housing, Planning & Development, is Secretary of the Cork & Kerry branches. George Gill, Executive of the Southern Region, is Secretary of the South-east branch. Brid Cody provides administrative support for all branches in the region. Details of branch meetings and other regional meetings for members are available from George Gill at the Cork Office, tel: 021 435 1410 or email [email protected]/ [email protected] / [email protected]
The CIF Southern Region offers wide ranging supports with information, assistance and expert advice on a range of construction specific issues.
Support for Members
The CIF Southern Region supports our members’ businesses with information and expert advice on a range of construction-specific issues:
- Industrial relations problems / employment legislation.
- Contracts you have entered into with clients / main contractors / sub contractors.
- Payment disputes / debt recovery.
- Tendering and pre-qualification.
- Planning and development issues.
- Representation to politicians, semi-state agencies, local authorities and other regional stakeholders.
Latest News View All
from the CIF Southern Region
Turnover and employment increases continue in construction sector: Quarter Four Construction Outlook Survey from the Construction Industry Federation
Turnover and employment in the construction sector continue to increase, according to the latest Construction Outlook Survey, released today by the Construction Industry Federation.
Events View All
Related to Southern Region
No events are available at this moment.
Related to the Southern Region
Regional representation:
- Representing the industry and our members locally, regionally and nationally.
- Stakeholder engagement and the co-ordination of lobbying activities in the region to ensure the necessary infrastructural investment and construction activity.
- Drafting submissions on a range of topics affecting regional development and construction activities to local authorities, semi state agencies and government departments.
- Engagement with local and regional media, representing and advocating on behalf of the construction industry.
Tendering and contracting
Construction contracting advice and support.
Housing, Planning and Development details
Support to members engaged in the housing and development sectors and all construction companies that interface with the planning system including the drafting of necessary submissions to development plans at local authority and regional assembly level.
Learning and development details
Engagement with schools, third level institutions, educational and training boards (ETB’s) and regional skills fora to address the skills needs for the region.
Industrial relations and employment services details
Industrial and employee relations advice and support including representation at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) and Labour Court.
Additional services
Management and organisation of branch meetings, webinars, morning briefings, conferences and social events.
Key Contacts
in the Southern Region
Joanne Treacy
Director, Southern Region
An experienced Construction Industry professional, Joanne joined the CIF in 2022. With in excess of 15 years’ industry knowledge, Joanne holds qualifications in HR, leadership, health and safety and HSQE auditing. Having worked as a HR Manager for a large construction and engineering company spanning Ireland and the UK, her skills include policy development and implementation, employee and industrial relations, organisational change, craft and professional apprenticeship training, and CPD. Joanne has been associated with the CIF for over 10 years and she brings her expertise, experience and knowledge to our members servicing the Cork, South East, Mid West and Kerry branches. She is responsible for providing advice and support to the CIF members within the Southern Region, maximising engagement with stakeholders and ensuring member interests are represented on regional committees, state agencies and local authorities.
George Gill
Executive, CIF Southern Region
George joined the CIF in September 2024. Prior to joining the CIF George worked with international, national and regional organisations focusing on regional development and the delivery of crucial enabling infrastructure to make our regions internationally competitive and attractive places to live, work and invest. George holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government & Public Policy and a Master’s degree in International Public Policy & Diplomacy. In his role as Regional Executive, George works with and on behalf of CIF Branches and Members across Southern Region. He ensures there is constructive engagement with regional and national stakeholders, such as elected representative and government officials and that member interests are represented on regional committees, state agencies and local authorities
Brid Cody
Bríd has worked in the Cork Office of CIF since 1997. She provides administrative support to staff in both the Cork and Galway offices and looks after reception for the CIF Cork Office. As well as greeting all visitors to the office and handling public & member queries, she also handles the many telephone calls made to the Cork and Galway offices. Bríd is also the main point of contact for all CIF publications such as contracts and other materials. Bríd co-ordinates all of the in-house facilities with respect to training courses and meetings held in the Cork Office.
Read through some frequently asked questions by topic here
IR / HR guidance
Where can I find Contracts of Employment?
The latest HR documentation can be found here.
Is there an employee handbook available?
We have catalogued an A-Z employment guide detailing the latest information. You can find it here.
You will also find a sample employee handbook here.
I’m looking for the current rates of pay under the Sectoral Employment Order (SEO).
The most up to date SEO document can be found here.
What are the agreed annual leave days for industry?
We have a detailed calendar listing out the annual leave / public holidays for 2024/2025 here.
For additional information on HR/IR, you can check out the dedicated page
Planning and housing
I’m searching for information on the Development Contributions Scheme Waiver
On 25 April 2023, the Government approved the introduction of temporary time-limited arrangements for the waiving of local authority “section 48” development contributions, and the refunding of Uisce Éireann water and wastewater connection charges. The new schemes apply for 1 year to all permitted residential development that a.) commences on site between 25 April 2023 and 24 April 2024, and b.) is completed not later than 31 December 2025.
The aim of this measure is to incentivise the activation of increased housing supply and assist the achievement of the housing delivery targets set in Housing for All, while also addressing cost and viability issues faced by the construction sector. The end date for the measure is to facilitate large schemes to be speedily brought forward and progressed, while also incentivising their completion as quickly as possible within a reasonable timeframe and delivering urgent housing supply.
Development Contributions Scheme Waiver
For additional information on house and planning, you can check out the dedicated page
Contracts and procurement
I’m looking for a standard form of public and/or private contracts
Contracts for use in the Irish construction industry can be found the the contract resource page here.
The Contracting Resource Hub gives members access to up-to-date information in relation to procurement, tendering, contracting and dispute resolution, and associated learning and development resources. For more information check out the page.
Health and safety
Where can I find the yearly Health and Safety calendar?
The CIF has updated its Safety, Health and Wellbeing Calendar to address the key focus areas for construction in 2024. You can find the calendar here.
The management of health and safety issues is a key concern for the construction industry in Ireland. Therefore, the CIF has a dedicated department to manage the needs of members in this area. Find out more on the dedicated page.
Carbon Calculator
How do I calculate my carbon emissions?
The ‘CIF Carbon Calculator’ is an innovative carbon measurement solution designed specifically for the Irish construction industry. This tool comes at a pivotal time when both regulatory pressures and stakeholder expectations around carbon disclosures are escalating. Access the calculator here.
Insurance, pensions and financial advice
Where can I get liability insurance?
CIF has partnered with Arachas Insurance to provide an insurance affinity scheme for members.
For over 30 years, Arachas has provided leading insurance solutions for the Construction Industry and is the insurance partner of choice by the Construction Insurance Federation.
Arachas Insurance understands the special needs of the construction market and can assist you in providing comprehensive cover for your company.
Find out more here.
I’m looking for pension administration services. Where can I go?
CPAS, a subsidiary of the CIF, was established to provide a professional pension administration service to the construction and related industries. With a dedicated, experienced and highly professional team, CPAS ensures best practice in key areas of pension scheme management.
CPAS administers the Construction Workers’ Pension Scheme (CWPS), Construction Executive Retirement Savings (CERS) and the Construction Industry Retirement Trust (CIRT) on behalf of each of their Trustee Boards. CPAS also provides services to the Construction Workers’ Sick Pay Trust.
Find out more on the pensions and financial advice page here.
I need some financial planning advice. What can I do?
CPAS established Milestone Advisory in 2014 to provide additional services to CPAS clients and to the broader CIF membership. Milestone is a financial advice business, offering financial planning services and advice across a wide range of financial products.
Find out the services offered here.
Training and CPD
What CIF training programmes are available?
You can see a comprehensive list of all our CIF training programmes on
Where can I get information on construction apprenticeships?
You can learn more about construction apprenticeships at or on our Careers in Construction page here.
What construction-related third-level training programmes are available and where?
We have a dedicated page on where you can learn all about the construction-related training programmes available.
What resources do the CIF have available for contractors trying to promote construction careers in schools
Would your company like to inspire young people to join the construction industry? CIF is urging construction companies to take part in our School Partnership Programme. We’re asking you to partner with a local school to give students a taste of the diverse and exciting careers that are available in construction.
Social / networking events
Where can I access the CIF annual schedule of social and networking events?
You can find our most recent, upcoming events on our Events page here.