
Alliance of Specialist Contractors’ Association (ASCA)
Welcome to the Alliance of Specialist Contractors Association (ASCA). We are the umbrella group representing subcontractors, specialist contractors and suppliers within the construction industry in Ireland, including the Master Painters and Decorators of Ireland.
See association
Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association (CECA)
The Civil Engineering Contractors Association is the representative Association for firms specialising in Civil Engineering works. Members are drawn from all over Ireland and range from small business to companies generating hundreds of millions in turnover every year.
See association
Irish Association of Demolition Contractors (IADC)
The Irish Association of Demolition Contractors (IADC) represents the leading demolition contractors in the industry. The Association promotes best practice in demolition through upskilling in training and other pertinent issues effecting demolition contractors. IADC takes an active part on many committees within the Construction Industry and reports back to its members an all matters pertaining to the industry.
See association
Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA)
The Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA), represents home builders across the country and works to advocate on behalf of, promote and protect interests of members of the Association. As the voice of the residential building sector in Ireland we are committed to delivering much needed homes across the country.
See association
Irish Mobile Crane Hirers’ Association (IMCHA)
The Irish Mobile Crane Hirers Association [IMCHA] was established in 2018 to promote the interests of mobile crane firms in the industry. The association has developed conditions of hire to set minimum standards for its members and have been active participants in the revision of the code of practice for the safe use of cranes in the industry, amongst other initiatives. IMCHA takes an active part on many committees within the Construction Industry and reports back to its members an all matters pertaining to the Crane Hire sector.
See association
Master Builders’ & Contractors’ Association (MBCA)
The Master Builders’ and Contractors’ Association is the representative Association for rms involved in main and general building contracting. The Association promotes, and represents members’ interests to Government Departments, public and private sector clients and the construction professionals. The Association particularly focuses on tendering and contractual issues where the promotion of best practice is to the fore.
See association
Master Painters and Decorators of Ireland (MPDI)
The Master Painters and Decorators of Ireland (MPDI) represents painters and decorators of all sizes operating in the Republic of Ireland. This includes self-employed painters and decorators as well as larger contracting companies. Formed in 1899, the MPDI has a strong history of promoting professionalism and excellence amongst painters and decorators. The MPDI has helped ensure high quality standards are maintained amongst its membership. This has resulted in clients recognising the importance of using MPDI members when tendering for painting and decorating projects.
See association
Mechanical & Electrical Contractors’ Association (M&ECA)
The Mechanical and Electrical Contractors Association (M&ECA) is the national representative trade association for mechanical and electrical contractors operating in the electrical contracting and building services sector in Ireland. Membership of the M&ECA is derived from two individual trade associations as follows: The Mechanical Engineering & Building Services Contractors Association (MEBSCA); The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA).
See association
National Association of Scaffolding and Access Contractors (NASAC)
The National Association of Scaffolding and Access Contractors (NASAC) are committed to raising standards and supporting excellence within the scaffolding industry. As a key constituent of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), we offer support and advisory services to specialist contractors.
See association
Register of Heritage Contractors
The Register of Heritage Contractors is an accredited listing of competent main contractors and specialist contractors in the eld of built heritage conservation. Each member of the Register meets a set of predefined criteria, experience and expertise that enable them to carry out restoration projects. The Register is overseen by an independent Board comprising senior figures from the construction industry, the professions, third level institutions and conservation bodies.
See association
Smart Off-site Association
The Smart Off-site Association is a constituent association of the Construction Industry Federation and represents construction companies operating in an off-site environment with manufacturing capacity. The primary objective of the association is to promote the use of off-site manufacturing in the built environment and support the interests of its members.
See association
Water Services Operators’ Group
The Water Services Operators Group (WSOG) is a sub-committee of the Civil Engineering Contractors Association, a professional and innovative group who offer unique technical expertise. Members of the water services operators group provide solutions to ensure the quality and safety of Ireland’s drinking water and environment.
See association