Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association

The Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association is the representative association for firms specialising in civil engineering works. Members are drawn from all over Ireland and range from small business to companies generating hundreds of millions in turnover every year.

The infrastructure provided by the work carried out by members of the CECA is essential to the development of the country, with works typically undertaken including projects such as roads, bridges, motorways, airports, ports, water supply and treatment, and flood prevention. These works have brought Ireland’s infrastructure to a world-class standard over the past decades.

The association liaises with Government departments and contracting authorities and clients on tendering and contractual matters, along with providing the full range of services in procurement, tendering and contractual and dispute resolution.

Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association (CECA)


Provided by CECA

Main contracting

The staff of the main contracting department provide assistance to members across a wide range of areas as set out below.

The department provides information and assistance on all contractual issues including prequalification, tendering, contract issues and disputes, and it can provide detailed reviews of tender and contract documents and advice on the risks being presented.

Training programmes

The main contracting department in the CIF is responsible for the development of training programmes for members, which are delivered by subject matter experts. Recent training programmes delivered to members include:

Prequalification and tendering

  • Construction Contracts Act 2013
  • Getting started with public procurement
  • Basics of construction law

If members are interested in company-specific training on a particular topic, please contact the main contracting department for further information.


Another feature of the offering to members are webinars, which are arranged on a regular basis on areas of interest to members and topical issues in the industry. Past webinars includes topics such as:


  • Making Covid-19 related claims
  • Green procurement
  • Adjudication

All members are notified of upcoming webinars, which are free to attend for paid-up members of the CIF.

All members of the CIF have access to the industrial relations department which provides invaluable support and assistance to members in respect of industrial relations issues.

The Industrial Relations Sub-Committee of the CIF deals with policy matters in relation to pay and conditions of employment of workers in the industry including issues such as hourly rates, pensions, sick pay, working hours, union engagement etc. Main contracting members of the CIF are very well represented on this committee by nominees from the Master Builders’ and Contractors’ Association and the Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association.

Payment Recovery Assistance Programme (PRAP)

One vital service available to all fully paid-up members of the CIF is the Payment Recovery Assistance Programme. This programme is offered in conjunction with solicitors’ firms who are business members of the CIF.

The PRAP Scheme has been in operation to 2010 and provides a unique and highly beneficial service to members who find themselves in difficulty when trying to recover payment from their clients.

For further information on the PRAP scheme, please contact the main contracting team by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (01) 406 6000.

Key contacts


Paul Sheridan

Director of Main Contracting

As Director of Main Contracting Services with the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), Paul provides administrative leadership of the Civil Engineering Contractors Association and Master Builders and Contractors Association. He is also the secretary to the CIF’s Procurement, Tendering and Contractual Matters Policy Sub-Committee. Paul is a Chemical Engineering Graduate, and holds a postgraduate diploma in Construction Law and Contract Administration. He also has experience in and holds qualifications in Strategy and Innovation, Business Transformation, Organisation Development, Leadership, Lean 6-Sigma and Strategic HR. Paul began his career as a Contracts Manager in the Water and Waste Water Industry. He previously worked in the Tendering and Contracting Department in the CIF before working as an Executive in the Industrial Property Development sector. Since then, Paul has worked with Engineers Ireland and the Royals College of Surgeons in areas of policy development, governance, internal consultancy, membership support and service, advocacy, representation, quality assurance and process excellence, accreditation, academic and professional education, training, strategy and business transformation.

Jonathan Flynn

Contracts & Procurement Specialist

Helen Early

Administrator, Main Contracting

Helen Early joined the CIF in 2023.  Helen provides support to the Executive CECA and MBCA Councils.  Also responsible for providing support to Environment Social & Governance, Procurement Tendering & Contractual Matters, Water Services Operators Group and Liaison Sub-Committees.  

Civil Engineering Projects: Clontarf to City Cycle Scheme, dublin

Projects like the Clontarf to City Cycle Scheme, undertaken by Clonmel Enterprises Ltd, have long-term benefits for communities as they incorporate sustainability into the future of the area. Watch our latest video to learn more about how this inspiring project is modifying the area for future generations.


Civil Engineering Projects: Salmon Weir Bridge, Galway

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Civil Engineering Projects: Bilberry to Waterford City Centre Greenway

The extension, carried out by John Cradock Ltd, will enhance the area by connecting the popular walking and cycling route from Bilberry to the city. See in the video how working in construction gives many opportunities to contribute to major projects that support local economies.

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