Construction Industry Federation welcomes Housing Commission report and calls for expansion of housing and infrastructure targets. 

23 May 2024

The Construction Industry Federation has welcomed the publication of the Housing Commission report and has called for expansion of housing and infrastructure targets in line with the report, ahead of its annual meeting of Dublin housebuilders.

The Housing Commission report has recommended various measures including concentration on infrastructure delivery and the concept of a Housing Delivery Executive. The acknowledgment of the backlog and the scale of housing supply needed is a welcome statement of intent, according to the federation.

Conor O’Connell, Director of Housing and Planning with the Construction Industry Federation and Director of Irish Home Builders’ Association said: “We welcome the publication of the Housing Commission report and will be thoroughly assessing its contents and recommendations. It is clear that we need to be more expansive in our housing targets and in our provision of infrastructure to accelerate housing delivery.

“To build more homes, we need more zoned and serviced land with planning permissions in place with appropriate domestic and international sources of finance.

“While many reforms in planning are underway, alongside schemes introduced to aid affordability and viability, we need to expand our ambition to build more homes.”

The Dublin Irish Home Builders’ Association annual meeting will take place tomorrow, Friday 24th May, in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Santry from 9am to 12pm. This half-day workshop, sponsored by Home Building Finance Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, will bring housebuilders, property developers, policymakers, and local utility providers together to examine how the delivery of homes can be accelerated in the context of the housing crisis and rising population.

For media queries contact:

Meabh Smith
CIF Communications Director

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