Report – Success in Quantity Surveying: Productivity, job satisfaction, and the role of technology

In our latest guest blog, our corporate partners, Payapps, discuss their newly published QS Research Report.

In an industry as dynamic as construction, staying ahead means understanding the trends, challenges, and opportunities that shape professions in the sector.

This Payapps QS Research Report was written following survey responses from QS professionals across the UK and Ireland and is a must-read for anyone in a QS or commercial role.

Download the report today to discover the challenges and experiences of your commercial peers, and their opinions about the quantity surveying profession.

  • In-Depth Analysis: Learn from over 200 industry professionals about their experiences in job satisfaction, productivity, financial management, and technology adoption.
  • Key Insights: Gain access to valuable insights on how modern technologies and strategic practices are transforming roles and workflows in construction.

Future Strategies: Equip yourself with knowledge on effective practices, emerging trends, and technological advancements to drive efficiency and success in your projects.

View the full report.

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