Construction Industry Federation welcomes Draft Planning and Development Bill approved by Cabinet today.

13 Dec 2022

Press Release
Immediate Release
13th December 2022

Construction Industry Federation welcomes Draft Planning and Development Bill approved by Cabinet today.

The Construction Industry Federation has welcomed the Draft Planning and Developed Bill approved by Cabinet today.

Conor O’Connell, Director of Housing and Planning with the Construction Industry Federation said:

“The Construction Industry Federation welcomes the Cabinet’s approval of the new Planning and Development Bill. However, we need to carefully study the legislation to fully assess its impact on the delivery of vital infrastructure, including homes.

“Streamlining the planning process is critical for delivery of infrastructural projects under the national development plan, much needed housing, and other commercial developments.

“The CIF welcomes the amendments proposed in the Planning Bill, which will facilitate a more effective and timely planning process delivering certainty and confidence, so that the country’s infrastructure including energy, water services and housing requirements can be delivered in a timely manner.

“The establishment of a Planning Commission is welcome, and we hope that the legislation once enacted will contribute to  significantly reducing the large backlog of homes that are awaiting a decision currently in An Bord Pleanala.

“The provision of timelines within the application process and the judicial review process, the proposals enabling planning authorities and the new Planning Commission to correct an error of fact or law in their planning decisions, will assist with the planning and procurement of projects, while respecting the requirements for an effective planning process.”

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