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What Happened / Impact?

A large stone (pictured) stuck between the dual tyres of a truck engaged in site clearance works became dislodged as the truck gathered speed and was catapulted from the rear wheels. The stone travelled across a road and foot path and came to rest when it hit a hoarding of a nearby site.

Fortunately, there were no vehicles passing on the other carriageway or pedestrians on the footpath as the outcome could have been much worse.


Why It Happened?

  1. Hard-standing was unsuitable for the trucks being loaded in that it was not suitably blinded off.
  2. Trucks leaving the site were not subject to visual checks to confirm the absence of materials/stone between the dual tyres.


Immediate Learnings / Recommendations

  1. It can be difficult to identify rocks stuck between dual/double tyres, particularly on the inner axle.
  2. A suitable haul road should be installed with a blinded surface to prevent large stones encountering the truck wheels.
  3. All trucks to be checked for lodged stones prior to leaving site if there is a risk of the wheels coming into contact with same.
  4. A safe system of work needs to be in place to remove stones that become lodged in the space between dual tyres. A system that uses downward force only is preferred as it eliminates the risk of the stone becoming a projectile during the removal operation.
  5. A crowbar used correctly is a viable tool for stone removal.
  6. The use of a proprietary devise on the quick-hitch of an excavator may be used to remove lodged stones.

Note: Never wrap a sling or chain behind a stone or rock to pull it out as it can become more of a hazard due to the possibility of it becoming a projectile.

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