Construction Workers’ Pension Scheme (CWPS)



With over 30,000 active members supported by over 2,500 participating employers, CWPS is one of the largest private sector pension schemes in Ireland. CWPS is a multi-employer  industry wide scheme, providing pensions solutions for workers in the construction industry, at a low cost to members and employers. It allows employers to provide retirement packages as well as valuable death-in-service and sick pay benefits for their employees with the minimum amount of fuss and overheads.

CWPS is a Master – trust arrangement with a Corporate Trustee Company. This removes the burden of time, cost and effort for employers who can hand over the duty of care of the pension fund to the Trustee Company.

Contributions to CWPS are invested in individual member accounts in a range of age-related investment funds. This Lifestyling investment approach means that younger members have exposure to long term growth potential while members closer to retirement have a higher exposure to assets which are less volatile.

In addition, members may make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC’s) to enhance their pension account in CWPS, and 100% of members AVC’s are invested on their behalf.

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