Government Schemes & Initiatives
IHBA Resource Hub

Access to Housing For All initiatives can be found below from both a development funding perspective and a First Time Buyer & Fresh Start Applicant perspective. Each relevant scheme is outlined with links included.
Development Initiatives
Croi Conaithe (Cities)
The Croí Cónaithe (Cities) Scheme is a fund to support the building of apartments for sale to owner-occupiers. The Scheme aims to bridge the current “Viability Gap” between the cost of building apartments and the market sale price (where the cost of building is greater).
Further information can be accessed here.
Secure Tenancy Affordable Rental (STAR)
The Secure Tenancy Affordable Rental investment scheme (STAR) is intended to bring forward Cost Rental dwellings with the aim of assisting eligible households who are experiencing acute affordability pressures in the private rental sector, particularly in urban centres where prevailing rents are especially high. Dwellings made available under the STAR Scheme must be designated as Cost Rental dwellings under Cost Rental legislation as set out in Part 3 of the Affordable Housing Act 2021 (AHA 2021). These dwellings will be more affordable to the tenant than current market rents, being at least 25% below market rents in a given area.
Further information can be accessed here.
Project Tosaigh
Project Tosaigh looks to significantly accelerate the supply of homes through unlocking land with full planning permission that is not being developed by private sector owners due to financing and other constraints. Phase 2 launched June 2023.
Further information can be accessed here.
Development Contributions Scheme Waiver
On 25 April 2023, the Government approved the introduction of temporary time-limited arrangements for the waiving of local authority “section 48” development contributions, and the refunding of Uisce Éireann water and wastewater connection charges. The new schemes apply for 1 year to all permitted residential development that a.) commences on site between 25 April 2023 and 24 April 2024, and b.) is completed not later than 31 December 2025.
The aim of this measure is to incentivise the activation of increased housing supply and assist the achievement of the housing delivery targets set in Housing for All, while also addressing cost and viability issues faced by the construction sector. The end date for the measure is to facilitate large schemes to be speedily brought forward and progressed, while also incentivising their completion as quickly as possible within a reasonable timeframe and delivering urgent housing supply.
First Time Buyer & Fresh Start Applicants
Help To Buy
The aim of the Help To Buy Scheme is to help with their deposit for purchasing or self-building a new home. Those availing of the scheme must purchase or self-build the property to live in as their home. Those who meet the required conditions will receive a refund of Income Tax and Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT) paid in Ireland. The refund will be from the four tax years prior to when the person made their application. Under changes made to the scheme in 2020, the maximum payment is €30,000 under the enhanced relief. The cap applies per property rather than per applicant regardless of how many people enter a contract.
Further information can be accessed here.
First Home Scheme
The First Home Scheme aims to support eligible first-time buyers and Fresh Start applicants by bridging the gap between their deposit and mortgage, and the private market price of the new home (subject to regional price ceilings).
Further information can be accessed here.
Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme
This scheme makes local authority-provided homes available at a reduced price for first-time buyers, and Fresh Start applicants, whose combined mortgage and deposit will not cover the market price of the newly built home. Through the scheme, a local authority takes a percentage equity stake (share of the ownership) in the home equal to the difference between the open market value of the property and the reduced price paid by the purchaser. The homeowner can buy back the local authority’s equity stake at any time but does not have to. Each participating local authority has its own scheme.
Further information can be accessed here.
Local Authority Home Loan Scheme
The Local Authority Home Loan is a government-backed mortgage for first-time buyers or ‘Fresh Start’ applicants. It is available nationwide from all local authorities for those on modest or low incomes who cannot get sufficient funding from regulated financial providers to purchase or build a home. Eligible first-time buyers can apply for a Local Authority Home Loan to purchase a new or second-hand property, or to build their own home. A ‘Fresh Start’ principle applies to the Local Authority Home Loan Scheme. This means that people who are divorced or separated and have no interest in the family home, or who have undergone insolvency proceedings, are eligible to apply under this Scheme. It is available nationwide from all local authorities.
Further information can be accessed here.