Safety, Health and Wellbeing Calendar 2022
Quarter 4 (Oct-Dec) – On the Road, Off-road and Onsite

October 2022

CIF Construction Safety Week 2022
This is an annual, national awareness campaign aimed at promoting positive safety and health amongst Ireland’s 159,000+ construction workers, clients and industry stakeholders. The goal is to generate engagement amongst CIF members and non-members alike, to further promote a culture of safety, health and wellbeing in construction. The CIF Construction Safety Week webpage includes toolbox talks, video content and links to supplementary guidance. Additionally, on 10th October, we celebrate World Mental Health Day by supporting the Lighthouse Club – The Construction Industry Charity, and throughout the month endeavour to promote Breast Cancer Awareness.

November 2022

Safe Operation of Mobile Construction Plant and Machinery
According to the HSA, the greatest risk to pedestrians is from vehicles and mobile plant. There are substantial blind spots on dozers, wheeled loading shovels and excavators, with workers at risk of being run over if they are in the operator’s blind spot. Carry out a documented risk assessment of workplace transport hazards. The risk may be further reduced by using high visibility clothing to signal their presence, as per HSA Guidance on High visibility clothing for use around moving vehicles.

December 2022

Winterization Plans
The focus during December 2022 is on winterisation plans, which include safe driving techniques. Emer Croston, HSE Advisor, Walls Construction Limited has shared a toolbox talk and advises the following: “As we head into the winter months, with darker mornings and shorter daylight hours, we must ensure our site activities and operations are planned and managed in a safe and controlled manner. ‘Winter Readiness’ when driving is also very important. Focusing on the key issues in the checklists below will help us maintain high standards of safety, health, and welfare on our sites and when driving to and from work.

On 3rd December, we recognise International Day of People with Disabilities 2022 ( and on 5th December, we acknowledge International Volunteer Day 2022 (

Member Toolbox Talks

October 2022 – Safe Use of Mobile Equipment

According to the Health and Safety Authority, the greatest risk to pedestrians is from vehicles and mobile plant. It is highlighted that there are substantial blind spots on dozers, wheeled loading shovels and excavators, with workers at risk of being run over if they are in the operator’s blind spot.

The use of any piece of machinery should be subject to risk assessment. On construction sites, where transport vehicles, earth-moving or materials-handling machinery are used, the project supervisor for the construction stage (PSCS) must ensure that (a) safe and suitable access ways are provided, and (b) traffic and pedestrian routes are so organised and controlled to ensure their safe operation.

October 2022 – Safety by Example

Leadership is an essential part of a health and safety management system because attitudes to safety and health are determined by top management.

Often, the best leadership approaches are those that affect others’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours, without need for formal authoritative means.

This is at the core of health and safety management, whereby every worker, irrespective of their role, is empowered (and possesses a duty of care), to protect their own safety, health and wellbeing, and of their work colleagues.

October 2022 – Safe Control of Hazardous Energies

Contractors are responsible for managing the risks associated with work near overhead electricity wires, underground cables, gas and water pipelines, and other infrastructure.

Competent persons need to review past site records and utility drawings in advance of works and to liaise with the respect utility providers.

Unintended contact with utility services is a relative frequent occurrence; last year, Gas Networks Ireland responded to over 400 incidents of damage to its underground gas network. Plan work and take due care in proximity to hazardous energies.

October 2022 – Safe Access and Egress

The term ‘Access and Egress’ covers a broad range of potential hazards, including travel to/from work, the interface of mobile plant and people (workers and members of the public), work at height, excavations, uneven ground etc.

How do we get there, do the job and get back home safely? 

The above statement is a key consideration – all persons set-out to return home safe after work completion, but this is not always the case. There is a need for pre-planning and for adherence to safe working practices. All workers have a duty of care to look after themselves and their colleagues – if you spot something that is unsafe, fix it! Good housekeeping is a proactive means for addressing the risk of slips, trip and falls in the workplace.

November 2022 – High Visibility Clothing for Use Around Moving Vehicles

Serious injuries or fatalities occur in workplaces because people are struck by vehicles such as cars, vans, trucks or buses or mobile work equipment such as industrial trucks (e.g. forklifts or telehandlers). The most effective way to reduce the risk of a person being hit by moving vehicles is to have a system of work which effectively keeps pedestrians and vehicles apart.

December 2022 – Winter Readiness

“As we head into the winter months, with darker mornings and shorter daylight hours, we must ensure our site activities and operations are planned and managed in a safe and controlled manner. ‘Winter Readiness’ when driving is also very important. Focusing on the key issues in the checklists below will help us maintain high standards of safety, health, and welfare on our sites and when driving to and from work”
Emer Croston, HSE Advisor, Walls Construction Limited

CIF Member-only Content

Leave Behind a Safe Site (22-Dec)

15th December 2022 pdf (0.00 KB)

If You Need Help, Just Ask (21-Dec)

15th December 2022 pdf (0.00 KB)

Be Safe at Home and at Work (20-Dec)

15th December 2022 pdf (0.00 KB)

Drive Safe this Christmas (19-Dec)

15th December 2022 pdf (0.00 KB)

Winter Driving Checklist

14th December 2022 pdf (0.00 KB)

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Useful Downloads

Our collective objective is to continue to highlight the importance of health, safety and wellbeing in construction and to drive continual improvement. To this end, guidance documents are referenced and made available for free download.

CIF – Toolbox Talk – Managing Hazardous Energies

HSA – High visibility clothing for use around moving vehicles

HSE – Health Information and Awareness Calendar 2022

Useful Links

Links are provided to resources, which reflect the focus areas for the months of October, November and December of 2022.

Useful Videos

A selection of videos is provided, relevant to the focus areas.

CIF Video – Vehicle Safety Walk Around – Excavator

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